Yamaha Harmony Director HD-300

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Article code HD300
The Harmony Director HD-300 is one of the specialized educational tools for wind bands.
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Harmony Director HD-300 can show quickly correct tempo and intonation which is difficult for directors to explain. Through listening sound from HD-300, players can learn their ear and rhythmic sense efficiently. HD-300 will support everybody’s performance to learn fundamental musical technics efficiently and to share the pleasure of music.

HD-300 has function to be able to improve active through independent-minded and interactive study. HD-300 can support to draw player’s performance out and to be able to feel the pleasure of music.

Easy to find a right button even it has more functions. In addition, it is used tactile switches, sliders and a dial to be able to control easily.

It preset 167 sound sample from JBC Band Method. Practice with JBC Band Method which is sold separately is good for improving fundamental technics effectively.

It can be learned efficiently by individual or section with listening a right pitch and rhythm by automatic performance of HD-300.

iOS App HD-300 Assistant is not only be able to control HD-300 remotely, but also be able to use additional functions. It is supportive tool for band directors.

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