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S'inscrirePerce | L 11.73mm (0.462") |
Pavillon | Yellow Brass en 1 pièce |
Poids | Heavy |
Niveau | Professionnel |
Coulisse d'accord | Inversée |
Developed with John Hagstrom

The consultant for the Chicago model is John Hagstrom, a member of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and an outstanding soloist.BiographyJohn Hagstrom is a member of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's famous trumpet section (since 1996). He is also in constant demand as both a trumpet teacher and trumpet soloist around the world. Prior to joining the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, he had been the principal trumpet with the Wichita Symphony Orchestra and "The President's Own" United States Marine Band, in Washington, DC.Hagstrom is passionate in his support of music education, and helped to initiate Dream Out Loud, a music education advocacy partnership between the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association and the Yamaha Corporation of America. Dream Out Loud offers a variety of resources created for elementary through high school students, their teachers and parents, designed to support every student’s interest in playing an instrument, and providing encouragement through times of challenge. To learn more about Dream Out Loud, visit cso.org/dreamoutloudJohn Hagstrom has also worked extensively with Yamaha to create several professional trumpet designs in their Chicago Artist Model Series that include top selling Bb and C trumpets. Since its introduction in 2004, the Chicago Artist Model C Trumpet has been the instrument played most often by players winning orchestral positions in major U.S. orchestras. Due to its phenomenal commercial and artistic success worldwide, in 2006 Yamaha selected the Chicago Artist Model C Trumpet to be their 10 millionth instrument ever produced.A native Chicagoan, Hagstrom grew up listening to the CSO. Five years of study at the Eastman School of Music were followed by six years in “The President's Own” United States Marine Band in Washington, D.C., where he spent three of those years as principal trumpet. His many solo appearances with the band included four national concert tours and the Camp David wedding of (Sr.) President Bush's daughter, Dorothy. Recordings featuring John Hagstrom include his performance of the Bellini Oboe Concerto and the Sachse Concertino with the Chicago Brass Choir, and can also be heard as lead trumpet on Daniel Barenboim's recording on the Teldec label entitled Tribute to Ellington.In June of 2006 his first solo CD (with the DePaul University Wind ensemble under the direction of Donald DeRoche) was released on the Albany Records label, about which Time Out Chicago said: “You'd never guess he was a mild-mannered second trumpeter from the hair-raising high notes... or from the way he seamlessly unfurls long lines” (TimeOut.com).
Nouveau pavillon

Le nouveau pavillon se caractérise par de longue partie cylindrique, un cintrage “carré” et un processus de fluotournage supplémentaire, améliorant fortement ses qualités de son, apportant une parfaite résistance et facilitant le registre aigu. L'épaisseur de sa paroi diminue progressivement, s'amincissant en se rapprochant de la cloche. Le jonc, en forme de dôme aplati, est plus large que celui de la plupart des trompettes modernes, ce qui donne un son plus homogène dans les nuances extrêmes. La soudure du pavillon est alignée avec les entre-deux afin d’améliorer la projection, et ceux-ci sont plus petits afin que le pavillon, les pistons et la branche d'embouchure soient plus proches, ce qui apporte une vibration naturelle à toute la trompette.
Branche d'embouchure

La branche d'embouchure est conçue sur la base des propres modèles de Bob Malone (MC1). De type inversée, la branche d'embouchure de la YTR-9445CHS 02, contribue largement à l'expression sonore de la trompette et vous découvrirez que les notes sortent facilement et confortablement, avec une intonation exceptionnellement précise.
Parfaite réponse et résistance

La nouvelle conception de certaines pièces de l'instrument telles que le bloc-pistons et les pistons de conception légère, la coulisse d'accord au cintrage "carré", les ressorts de clés d'eau , contribuent à améliorer fortement la réponse et le confort de jeu du musicien.
Première coulisse d'accord

La première coulisse d'accord est équipée d'un entre-deux et d'un "bouton" spécifiques, qui apportent de la précision et qui permettent d'obtenir une sonorité claire et une définition inégalée.
Vis d'arrêt de la troisième coulisse d'accord

La vis d'arrêt de la troisième coulisse a été déplacée pour permettre d'atteindre le Fa grave ou pour faciliter l'emploi d'autres doigtés. Le ""gros bouton"" à l'extrémité de la coulisse a été soigneusement conçu pour permettre un réglage précis de la résistance de l'air et fournir un meilleur contrôle.
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Évaluer Trompette Do Yamaha YTR-9445CHSIII