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S'inscrireIls ont des formes de rim confortables qui offrent une attaque nette et précise. Ils sont proposés avec une profondeur de cuve standard.
M2: Slightly smaller ‘2’ Rim diameter, standard bowl shape “C” cup, 24 throat and Schmidt backbore.
F2: ‘F’ cup model with shorter shank in ‘2’ diameter. Offers a dark, mellow sound.
M3: Slightly smaller ‘3’ Rim diameter, standard bowl shape “C” cup, 24 throat and Schmidt backbore
F3: F’ cup model with shorter shank in ‘3’ diameter. Offers a dark, mellow sound.
M4C: The M4C ‘Symphony Series’ trumpet mouthpiece offers a comfortable rim profile and provides a full, vibrant sound! Created to meet the demands of an aspiring student or professional requiring a smaller inside rim diameter between M3C and M5C models. It futures a standard bowl shape “C” cup with tighter #27 throat and Schilke C backbore.
M5C: Slightly smaller ‘5’ Rim diameter, standard bowl shape “C” cup with tighter 27 throat and Schilke C backbore.
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Évaluer Embouchure Trompette Schilke Série Symphonique